Metafuture Construction Ltd has completed many renovation and house extensions. We are experienced in remodeling old, damp or unsafe homes into quality warm homes with contemporary, modern or luxury design features, based on the most cost-effective and time-efficient construction methods, while considering the owner’s budget and wishes.
One of our resent successful projects, we managed the entire process from the council application through to consent of a (3) three bedroom damp cold house, transforming it into a warm four bedroom with all building approvals and consent with local Council.
In practical, for those 1950’s homes, to meet Council’s new tenancy laws, we removed the old wooden inner lining and installed new approved insulation to wall, ceiling and underfloor. The owners requested new add-on master bedroom including a new ensuite. Our team delivered on time completion of the work and the project was signed off by council after 6 weeks of renovation (excludes building consent application time). By doing the upgrade to this property, the house valuation improved by $100-150K, while the owner was surprised, the return on the investment and improvement of the additional bedroom would have a return on capital improvement within 3 to 5 years.